Istanbul Travel Tips for a Stress-Free Trip

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Written By LoydMartin

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Istanbul is a major European city, and one of the most popular tourist destinations. Istanbul is a city with so many things to do and see that one trip to Istanbul will not be enough. It is interesting for its transcontinental location in Eurasia. It lies at the Bosporus Strait, which divides the Marmara Sea from the Black sea. The European zone is home to its business and historical hubs, while the Asian side houses around thirty percent of the population. You will find a mix of Asian and European traditions in this amazing city. These are some tips for Best Things To Do In Istanbul Turkey 2023 to help plan your holiday.

The best time to visit

Istanbul’s best time to visit is between March and May, and September and November. The weather is quite pleasant. The weather in these months is spectacular. The weather isn’t too severe, making it a great time to visit the city. Enjoy exploring the city.


Istanbul has two international airports. The Istanbul Ataturk is the larger of the two, but it is a very busy airport. Sabiha Gokcen International Airport is the second. It is smaller than Ataturk and is further from the city centre. Keep the time required to get from one airport to another when booking your accommodation and flights.

Visa and passport

These are two of the most important aspects when traveling online. The tourist visa for Turkey differs from other European countries because Turkey is not part of the EU. It is possible to apply online for a part of the visa process. You can apply online for the visa through the country’s customs portal. What are you waiting?

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Hotel location

It is important to consider the location of your hotel when on vacation. When booking a hotel, it is important to ensure that the location allows for easy transportation around the city. Near Sultanahmet and Taksim square are the best locations for hotels. These two locations provide great options at reasonable prices. If you’re looking for a quiet place, Sultanahmet can get quite crowded.


Istanbul shopkeepers are excellent salespeople. You will be welcomed at the bazaars or shops by these people. You may be offered Turkish tea by some. Smart shopkeepers might also offer a premium on their products when you buy them. To get the best discounts and offers, make sure you bargain and negotiate. Do your research before you shop.

Turkish Lira

Turkish Lira, the Turkish currency used in Turkey, is also known as Turkish Lira. Make sure you have enough Turkish Lira with you. The currency can also be exchanged at airports. Travel agents and shops might not accept international credit cards. Traveling abroad can be made easier by having local currency. Be sure to keep your cash safe.

Learn basic Turkish phrases

You will find it very helpful to know some basic Turkish phrases and language. Many staff members at restaurants and hotels may not speak English well, which could cause communication problems. Turkey has a few differences in the way that people pronounce things. When traveling to a foreign country, it is always a good idea to speak to locals.

Istanbul local travel

Although it’s the most convenient way to get around Istanbul, it can also be the most costly. It is a better idea to use shuttle services, especially if you are traveling with a group. Many places can be reached by metro. You can also obtain a tourist pass that allows you to travel via metro. Havabus is an extremely popular way to get around here. This reliable shuttle bus service is provided by the municipality. These are easily found outside the airport terminal.

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Istanbul’s rich history

It is always helpful to have a basic knowledge of the history of any place, especially if you are visiting it. Istanbul has a rich history that spans hundreds of years. It has a wonderful mix of cultures and heritage that can overwhelm tourists. Reading the history of the city is a good idea before you go. It will help you to understand the culture and appreciate the historical places.

Cheats and pickpocketing

Istanbul’s people are friendly and open to newcomers. You should be careful when you travel to the bazaar or on the streets. Fake agents may try to sell you great deals. You must ensure you are speaking with an actual person. Don’t trust anyone.

Travel guide book

We recommend buying a city guidebook for Istanbul. Learn more about Turkey and Istanbul. This city has so much to offer, there is too much to do. It can be very helpful to have a guidebook with you when you travel here. You will get a good idea of the area and what to do.

Mosque etiquettes

You should not wear shorts when you travel to Istanbul’s Blue Mosque. Females are required to cover their heads at certain mosques. If you need to cover your head, it is recommended to bring a scarf or shawl. Mosques prohibit the wearing of shoes. If you plan to visit a mosque, be prepared.